Metrological Traceability Projection of the Volume Laboratory of the National Research Institute on Metrology in Water Flow Measurements


  • Regla Caridad Inchaurtieta Ramos National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba
  • Fran Javier Buzón González National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba
  • Lidia Yami Alonso Preciado Territorial Bureau of Standards of Holguín
  • Francisco González Toledo Territorial Bureau of Standards of Villa Clara
  • Rodes Yanet Valdivia Medina National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba


metrological traceability, flowmeters, water, measurement method, calibration


The present work shows the progress of the research project "Flowmeter calibration installation using water as a working liquid" of the National Research Institute on Metrology (INIMET) that is carried out in the Volume Laboratory. The projection is presented to guarantee metrological traceability to the flowmeters in the country, which is ensured with flowmeter calibration facilities that use water as a working liquid.



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How to Cite

Inchaurtieta Ramos RC, Buzón González FJ, Alonso Preciado LY, González Toledo F, Valdivia Medina RY. Metrological Traceability Projection of the Volume Laboratory of the National Research Institute on Metrology in Water Flow Measurements. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];37(1-2):32-40. Available from:



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