Metrological Traceability of the Pression Laboratory of the National Research Institute on Metrology. Projection of the National Metrology Service


  • Adriel López Pereira National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba
  • María de los Ángeles Álvarez Álvarez National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba
  • Wilfredo Suárez Piña Territorial Bureau of Standards of Holguín
  • Yenny Mackey Montalvo Territorial Bureau of Standards of Santiago de Cuba
  • Eduardo Guillermo Pérez González National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba


national standards , metrological traceability, uncertainty


The Pressure Laboratory of the National Research Institute on Metrology (INIMET) has declared and certified National Standards, in the physical magnitude of Relative Pressure, through which it is possible to guarantee the metrological traceability in this magnitude, to the National System of Metrology (SENAMET), and the laboratories of the national economy. The projection is oriented to the development of the physical quantities of Differential Pressure and Absolute Pressure.


DG 10, Política de Trazabilidad Metrológica, 2013.

Expediente del Patrón Nacional de Presión Relativa, 2011.

NC ISO/IEC 17025, Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y calibración, ICS: 03.120.20, 3. Edición, Diciembre 2017.

NC OIML D5, Principios para el establecimiento de los esquemas de jerarquía para los instrumentos de medición. 1996.

NC OIML V2, Vocabulario Internacional de Metrología-Conceptos fundamentales y generales, y términos asociados (VIM), Publicada por la OIML en 2010, 2da Edición, ONN, La Habana, Cuba, Octubre 2012.



How to Cite

López Pereira A, Álvarez Álvarez M de los Ángeles, Suárez Piña W, Mackey Montalvo Y, Pérez González EG. Metrological Traceability of the Pression Laboratory of the National Research Institute on Metrology. Projection of the National Metrology Service. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 14];37(1-2):50-7. Available from:



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