Metrological traceability of the magnitude of regular spectral transmittance of the National Research Institute on Metrology. Projection of the National Metrology Service.


  • Sandra Claudina Pedro Valdés National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba
  • Odalis M. Pérez Portal Territorial Bureau of Standards of Villa Clara
  • Juan Alberto Pérez Salinas Territorial Bureau of Standards of Holguín
  • Idania Rosa Barreras Planas Territorial Bureau of Standards of Santiago de Cuba
  • Lisandra Ariosa Sanchez Territorial Bureau of Standards of Santiago de Cuba
  • Madelaine Arias Ramos Territorial Bureau of Standards of Camagüey


metrological traceability, intercomparison, standard, uncertainty of measurements


The Laboratory of Chemical Physics of the National Research Institute on Metrology (INIMET) has a transfer spectrophotometer which actually responds to the needs demanded by the laboratories of the national economy, but it is necessary to create the infrastructure for the development of the first level of the traceability chain with the creation of the national standard of regular spectral transmittance, which will contribute to improve the levels of uncertainty and to project the metrological traceability chain of the National Metrology Service (SENAMET).



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How to Cite

Pedro Valdés SC, Pérez Portal OM, Pérez Salinas JA, Barreras Planas IR, Ariosa Sanchez L, Arias Ramos M. Metrological traceability of the magnitude of regular spectral transmittance of the National Research Institute on Metrology. Projection of the National Metrology Service. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];37(1-2):73-80. Available from:



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