Development of a calculation tool to obtain the metrological parameters of a Piston and Weight Standard Manometer.


  • Pedro González Enríquez National Research Institute on Metrology. Cuba


calibration, metrological parameters, piston standard manometer and weights, uncertainty of measurements


The paper presents a mathematical tool made in an Excel spreadsheet which improves, perfects and speeds up the metrological calculations of the calibration process of a Piston and Weight Standard Manometer (MPPP), contributing to the calculation being achieved with better accuracy. All the calculations that are performed by the tool are established in the procedure for the calibration of an MPPP, efficiently and quickly, presenting the results of the measurements ready to be printed and interpreted in a calibration certificate. The spreadsheet is compatible with the database that records all calibration certificates performed at the Pressure Laboratory of the National Research Institute on Metrology (INIMET).


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How to Cite

González Enríquez P. Development of a calculation tool to obtain the metrological parameters of a Piston and Weight Standard Manometer. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 14];37(1-2):81-9. Available from:



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