Leading article



Dear reader:

The year 2020 surprised the world with one of the most serious health disasters that humanity has faced in the last century. For two years the world was divided between those who had to isolate themselves, those who fought for the healing of others through health services, science and innovation, and those who continued to boost the economy of their countries. Many processes slowed down, but the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus failed to stop the creativity of men, who found new ways to interrelate and continue working.

In Cuba, the confrontation with Covid-19 demonstrated the assertiveness of the government management based on science, technology and innovation, with which it was possible, in the midst of highly complex socioeconomic conditions, to defeat the pandemic with three vaccines of national production and the vaccination of the population from two years of age. In this process, there was also the contribution of Cuban metrology, as part of the national quality infrastructure, ensuring the measurement processes that took place in research, production and services. Thanks to this, during 2021 it was possible to convene from Havana, in the virtual modality, the XI International Metrology Symposium 2021, to which all the authors who appear in this special issue sent their works. The INIMET Scientific and Technical Bulletin, which should have paused in these hard and at the same time luminous years, reappears in 2022 with the contributions made in these years of confinement by the Institute's metrologists, other Cuban institutions and, with special thanks, from the Bolivian Institute of Metrology (IBMETRO). In these years of fruitful truce, we have also taken advantage of the time by fine-tuning our platform https://boletin.inimet.cu for the online editorial management of our scientific journal.

I hope this number is of interest to you.

M.Sc. Alejandra Regla Hernandez Leonard

Editorial Director



How to Cite

Hernández Leonard AR. Leading article. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];38(1-2):4. Available from: https://boletin.inimet.cu/index.php/BCTI/article/view/70




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