Calibration of bell provers



metrology, standards and calibration, bell provers, flows in pipes and nozzles, spatial dimensions, natural gas


The article, aims to show the importance of the use of bell provers, their traditional and more recent calibration methods, as well as the function they have in Cuba and in the world. For this, original publications of scientific studies and international standards were consulted. Besides, visits were made to the Verification Laboratory of Gas Meters (Cuba-Petroleum Union) where several bells provers are used. This topic is interesting mainly because of the emergence of new bell prover calibration techniques in the last twenty years and their use as a reference standard since the beginning of the last century to nowadays.


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How to Cite

Buzón González FJ, Hernández Leonard AR. Calibration of bell provers. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];38(1-2):24:37. Available from:



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