Study of the calibration of oscillation-type density meters for online flow measurement.


  • Nayara La Rosa Yero National Research Institute on Metrology, Cuba


oscillation-type density meters, metrological traceability, certified reference liquid


The Density Laboratory of the National Research Institute on Metrology (INIMET) must ensure the metrological traceability of the oscillation-type density meters that are already located in the sectors of the oil industry, mainly. Currently, the laboratory does not have the necessary technical infrastructure, including standards, to guarantee the calibration service for this type of digital densimeter. In this article possible variants are shown to respond to the Clear Liquids Calibration Laboratory (LCPC) belonging to Tecnomática of Cuba-Petróleo Union (CUPET), which today demands this metrological service.


Oficina Nacional de Normalización/ Organización Internacional de Metrología Legal NC OIML V2-200:2020, Vocabulario Internacional de Metrología - Conceptos fundamentales y generales, y términos asociados (VIM), (OIML V2-200:2012, IDT)

International Organization for Standardization ISO 15212-1:1998 (E), Oscillation-type density meters. Part 1: Laboratory instruments. Reviewed and confirmed in 2020.

-------ISO 15212-2:2002 (E), Oscillation-type density meters. Part 2: Process instruments for homogeneous liquids. Reviewed and confirmed in 2022.

Sistema Interamericano de Metrología. Guía SIM para la calibración de densímetros de tipo oscilatorios. SIM MWG7/cg-02/v.00 Primera edición, mayo de 2016. ISBN: 978-607-97187-6-3 Disponible en:

Centro Español de Metrología/ Comité Conjunto de Guías en Metrología JCGM 100, Evaluación de datos de medición, Guía para la expresión de la incertidumbre de medida, Primera edición septiembre 2008 (original en inglés), NIPO EDICIÓN DIGITAL 1: 706-10- 001- 0 en español, traducción 1ª Ed. Sept. 2008. Disponible en:



How to Cite

La Rosa Yero N. Study of the calibration of oscillation-type density meters for online flow measurement. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 6 [cited 2024 Sep. 5];38(1-2):38:48. Available from:



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