Recommendations on the use of the International System of Units (SI) in scientific papers.



rules of grammar of the SI, measurement units, writing, scientific papers


Recommendations are given for the correct writing of the symbols and names of the names of the units of measurement of the International System of Units in papers that arise for publication in national and foreign scientific journals.

Author Biography

Ysabel Reyes Ponce, Cuban Academy of Sciences, Cuba

Merit Academic


Oficina Internacional de Pesas y Medidas. Organización Intergubernamental de la Convención del Metro. El Sistema Internacional de Unidades. 9na edición,

Edición en español, Centro Español de Metrología. 2019 NIPO 113-19009-7 (digital)

Oficina Nacional de Normalización (NC) / International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC): Norma NC-IEC 80000-6:2009 “Magnitudes y Unidades. Parte 6: Electromagnetismo”. (IEC 80000-6:2008, IDT)

-------: Norma NC-IEC 80000-13:2011 “Magnitudes y Unidades. Parte 13: Ciencia y Tecnología de la Información”. (IEC 80000-13:2008, IDT)

Pérez-Gregorio, R. Sistema Internacional de Unidades SI. Rev. Obstetricia y Ginecología. Venezuela v.62 n.1 Caracas mar. 2002. Disponible en:

Reyes-Ponce, Y; Hernández-Leonard, AR. Reasons for; concerns about and prospects of the new International System of Units (SI). OIML Bulletin. Volume LIX, Number 1, January 2018. p 25-30. ISSN 0473-2812

Reyes-Ponce, Y y otros. Libro Fundamentos de Metrología, Tercera reimpresión. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, La Habana, Cuba. 2018. ISBN 978959-13-2601-0. (Obra completa).

Reyes-Ponce, Y; Hernández-Leonard, AR; Hernández-Ruiz, AD. Metrología para la Vida. 2. edición actualizada. Versión digital. Editorial Científico Técnica Nuevo Milenio. La Habana, 2021.

The International Organization for Standardization. Norma ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-1:2009 Quantities and units. Part 1: General.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-1:2009/ Cor. 1:2011 Quantities and Units. Part 1: General/ Technical Corrigendum 1.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-3:2006 Quantities and units. Part 3: Space and time.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-5:2007 Quantities and units. Thermodynamics.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-7:2008 Quantities and units. Part 7: Light.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-8:2007 Quantities and units. Part 8: Acoustic.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-9:2009 Quantities and units. Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-10: 2009 Quantities and units. Atomic and nuclear physics.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-12:2009 Quantities and units. Solid state physics.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-13: 2008 Quantities and units, Information science and technology.

-------: Norma ISO 80000-14:2008 Quantities and units. Telebiometrics related to human physiology.



How to Cite

Reyes Ponce Y, Hernández Leonard AR, Prieto Acosta DE. Recommendations on the use of the International System of Units (SI) in scientific papers. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 2];38(1-2):91:99. Available from:



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