Interpretation of the results of the measurements in the control of prepackaged products.


  • Maité Domínguez Gómez Territorial Bureau of Standardization Villa Clara, Cuba
  • Leirys Mayo Acosta National Bureau of Standards, Cuba
  • Yoenny Ramos Borroto Territorial Bureau of Standardization Villa Clara, Cuba


prepackaged product, SENAMET, metrological requirements, metrological control


At the present work, the different errors that are revealed in the control of prepackaged products are exposed in detail, to achieve the correct interpretation of the metrological requirements established in the Cuban standard NC OIML R 87: 2018 Quantity of product in the prepackages, by the metrology supervisors of the National Metrology Service, SENAMET. For this, a prepackaged product was taken as an example, for which individual errors (error T1; error T2) and the average error were determined, showing the values ​​of individual errors and average of prepackages, which reveal non-compliance of the metrological requirements for the sampled prepackaging, according to the method established in the NC OIML R 87 standard. As a result, it was obtained that the inspection lot is rejected as it was not compliant, which leads to the application of the penalty fee and the corresponding obligation to do.


Consejo de Estado de la República de Cuba. Decreto-Ley 8/2020 (GOC-2020-613-O66) De Normalización, Metrología, Calidad y Acreditación. Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba No. 66 Ordinaria del 1 de octubre de 2020.

Consejo de Ministros de la República de Cuba. Decreto 16/2020 (GOC-2020-614-O66) Reglamento de Normalización, Metrología, Calidad y Acreditación. Gaceta Oficial de la República de Cuba No. 66 Ordinaria del 1 de octubre de 2020.

Oficina Nacional de Normalización – Organización Internacional de Metrología Legal. NC OIML R 79: 2018 Requisitos para el etiquetado de los productos preempacados.

-------- NC OIML R 87: 2018 Cantidad de producto en los preempaques.

Oficina Nacional de Normalización. Procedimiento PDIM 09: 2019 Ejecución del control metrológico a los productos preempacados.

-------- IT A-09: 2019 Determinación de la cantidad de producto preempacado.



How to Cite

Domínguez Gómez M, Mayo Acosta L, Ramos Borroto Y. Interpretation of the results of the measurements in the control of prepackaged products. Boletín [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 6 [cited 2024 Sep. 5];38(1-2):100:108. Available from:



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